Here's what's new!
You might know that I'm pretty much a one person operation! I'm so lucky to be able to make soaps and lotions and sell at my daughter's (Molly) business in Park Rapids MN. Molly has two businesses - The Good Life Cafe in downtown Park Rapids which has an awesome menu and a great selection of craft beers! (I like beer!) Attached to the Good Life is Molly Poppins Gourmet Snacks where we make 24 plus flavors of popcorn. Molly added homemade ice cream about 2 year ago. Many ice cream flavors are our own creation and change all the time. Of course, pure vanilla and a great chocolate along with many favorites like strawberry sour cream, raspberry balsamic and seasonal favorites such as pumpkin pie. The popcorn shop is where I sell my soaps and lotions. I also have worked for my daughter the last 7 years, mostly in the summer time when it gets really busy. I am getting older (69) and need to take some time off.

I will be in Texas for a month so that is why I won't be able to ship from 1/10/23 to 2/15/23. You can still order but I will send you a note that I won't be shipping until I get back. I'll have my computer with me so can issue refunds if that doesn't work with your schedule. I so appreciate all you great customers that have ordered over the years. I plan to keep making RawHide for many more years. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
If you have looked at my site, you might have noticed that I have increased the prices. This is the first time since I started this business (2017) that I have raised my prices. Hopefully, you understand. Everything I source has gone up and freight as you all know is a factor.
Top-My horse Khy had a colt named Jeff two years ago
Bottom-5 grandkids that keep me on my toes!